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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CHARMED BY HIS LOVE Janet Chapman Jove ISBN: 978-0-515-15090-2 Contemporary Romance June 2012 Chapman delivers an excellent addition to her lengthy series about Maine. We meet Duncan MacKeage, a construction company owner who is building roads and bridges to a fancy resort overlooking Spellbound Fall’s new inland sea. Duncan looks like a dour, bad-tempered Highlander. Deliciously, he has a heart of gold and is enamored with the widow, Peg Thompson. Peg is equally drawn to Duncan but her baggage is considerable. The mother of four lively children, she is trying hard to keep her home together on limited resources. She is also convinced that the family curse would cause any man she fell in love with to die young, just like her husband and other male family members. Duncan is having none of this and his romantic pursuit is lots of fun. This is a terrific novel, filled with interesting characters, some people from past books, and a slight paranormal bent that involves time travel and magic. Not to be missed by fans of this series, readers are in store for a fun reading treat! The kids are delightful and the romance sizzles through these pages. Reviewed by Jeri Neal Rating: 4

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