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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

One-Eyed Dukes are Wild by

Dukes Behaving Badly Novel
Megan Frampton
ISBN# 978-0-06-241278-2
January 2016
Historical Romance

Lady Margaret Sawford is a bit scandalous, doing what she wants (within reason) and living with her sister who is married to a Duke. She is very skilled at cards and uses her skills to win money in order to help the less fortunate women in need. So when she happens upon a sinfully handsome Duke with an eye patch, she thinks he is just the sort of adventure she would like. Imagine her disappointment when the Duke of Lasham turns out to be very proper, very staid and very UN-adventurous. After they meet a again, they form a friendship of sorts; she will introduce him to new adventures and he will be her bodyguard as she goes to seedier places. Margaret is attracted to Lasham but she doesn't want to trap him into marriage, so being scandalously adventurous might just be a bit precarious as well.

The Duke of Lasham has always done the right thing - it's was he was trained and educated to do. On account of his eye-patch, he hates being the object of stares and talk. So he avoids it whenever possible. Then along comes Lady Margaret who makes him want to be adventurous, want something more and yes, want her. However, will he be able to let his guard down long enough to embrace life and a chance for love?

This was a very unusual hero. Lasham had a very strict upbringing, being molded and formed into a Duke at a young age, so he was never allowed to be anything but proper. Then we have Lady Margaret who goes against the rules and her parents in order to live her life as she wants. These two shouldn't be anywhere near right for each other, or should they? They both wage war against their attraction to each other. It was fun to read how these two eventually worked out a way to see each other for who they really are. The secondary characters were an added bonus, with Lasham's friend Jamie giving timely advice to his unadventurous friend, and Margaret's sister Isabella and maid Annie. There is also a wonderful little serial story of Georgiana and the Dragon that was a delight to read as well.

Reviewed by Jennifer Jones
Rating: 4

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