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Monday, August 13, 2012


The Elementals-Book 1
Hanna Martine
Berkley Sensation
ISBN: 978-0-425-25724-1
July 2012
Gwen Carroway is part of the Ofarian race and as such she is able to turn to water and use it to her advantage. She also has another gift and that is the gift to pick up any language and interpret it immediately. She uses her gift to help her company profit and one day hopes to help lead her company as well as her people, but she hasn't managed to make it onto the board yet. Her people have many secrets and many that she is not privy to as of yet. She even has a prearranged marriage in the future with her protector, Griffin. But everything changes when she is kidnapped by another and her eyes are opened for the first time. She learns some awful truths about her life as well as her people. Her kidnapper also changes her life as he changes to protector. Reed considers himself a retriever, but falls under Gwen's spell and soon will do anything to protect her, even staying on and acting as her jailer when deep down he knows that is not the reason he stays. When Gwen finally opens up to Reed, he finds that he may have to learn to trust even when it seems there is no reason to. LIQUID LIES is book one in this new series and shows great promise. I loved the angst between all the characters as well as Gwen and Reed, not to mention the passion. I look forward to her next release, A TASTE OF ICE.
Reviewed by Lori Sears
Rating: 4

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